闊別21年挪威鮭魚終於解禁出口美國挪威於21年前遭控以低價鮭魚傾銷美國市場,遭美方裁定徵收懲罰性關稅後,美國國際貿易委員會於近日宣布對挪威所有的生鮮水產品撤銷24%懲罰性關稅,挪威鮭魚終獲解禁出口美國。挪威係全球最大的養殖大西洋鮭魚生產國,去年面膜出口值逾50億美元,其中的2/3銷往其他歐洲國家。挪威鮭魚去年外銷全球近100萬公噸,然從未禁止挪威魚片進口的美國仍未滿2萬公噸。 業界認為跨越大西洋的空運成本實在不利於挪威鮭魚業與加拿大、智利競爭;再加上挪威水產品銷往美國的每公斤成本比售價高出1會場佈置美元,所以挪威一開始主推對全魚需求日亦攀升的美國壽司料理店而非零售業。 挪威認為美國商業部於1991年指控挪威補貼生鮮鮭魚並以低於市價販售之情事與事實不符。而中國大陸抵制挪威空運進口的生鮮鮭魚,則被視為中共當局不滿挪威將2010年諾貝爾和平獎頒給太平洋房屋劉曉波的報復行動。 (摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 02/2012,2 Feb. 2012) The Norwegian salmon industry can freely send fresh fish to the United States for the first time in 21 years after U.S. officials dropped a penalty tariff 網路行銷stemming from old charges that Norway had dumped under priced salmon in U.S. markets. The decision to rescind the 24 percent penalty duty on fresh whole Norwegian fish was announced recently by the United States International Trade 好房網Commission. Norway is the largest producer of farmed Atlantic salmon in the world and exported more than US$5 billion worth last year, two thirds of it to other European countries. Although the United States has never hindered the import 會場佈置of Norwegian fillets, Norway sold less than 20,000 MT to the US last year out of the nearly 1 million MT of salmon it sent abroad. Industry sources said that the cost of air transport across the Atlantic will however keep Norway-based 酒店兼職salmon industry at a disadvantage to Canadian and Chilean competitors. Sending Norwegian fish to the United States adds US$1 per kilogram to the sale price. As a start the industry will focus on the growing market of US sushi restaurants 會場佈置which want whole fish and not the retail sectors. In 1991 the U.S. Commerce Department found that fresh salmon from Norway had been subsidized and sold at less than fair value, a charge Norway has long disputed. Norway has also 租房子wrangled with China over salmon. China was restricting imports of air-flown fresh salmon in apparent retaliation for the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize.

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